Application for the PhD Project
First choice (Depending on the number of applications for a certain PhD project, applicants might be also offered projects that have not been listed in the list of preferred PhD projects)
Project title:
Project number:
Second choice (if applicable)
Project title:
Project number:
Third choice (if applicable)
Project title:
Project number:
Existing qualifications for the projects
e.g., recombinant DNA work, immunofluorescence labeling, mammalian cell culture
Max. 100 words
English language
how acquired, date / not applicable
Max. 100 words
Degree (highest):
Subject/field (do not mention the institution):
Date issued (dd/mm/yyyy):
Max. 100 words
Degree (other):
Subject/field (do not mention the institution):
Date issued (dd/mm/yyyy):
Max. 100 words
Degree (other):
Subject/field (do not mention the institution):
Date issued (dd/mm/yyyy):
Max. 100 words
Other Education that is relevant for the PhD project
Subject/field (do not mention the institution):
Date issued (dd/mm/yyyy):
Max. 100 words
Additional education/courses
Language skills
What kind of courses did you take? What skills did you learn? How can you apply them in the PhD-project?
Max. 100 words
Writing skills
What kind of courses did you take? What skills did you learn? How can you apply them in the PhD-project?
Max. 100 words
“Soft skills” such as team work/communication skills
What kind of courses did you take? What skills did you learn? How can you apply them in the PhD-project?
Max. 100 words
Laboratory skills
What kind of courses did you take? What skills did you learn? How can you apply them in the PhD-project?
Max. 100 words
Courses on handling animals
What kind of courses did you take? What skills did you learn? How can you apply them in the PhD-project?
Max. 100 words
Past Work
Position/ Subject/field (do not name the institution)
Please shortly describe your tasks and work. Be specific in the methods applied that might indicate that you possess relevant skills for the PhD project
Starting Date (mm/yyyy) End Date (mm/yyyy)
Full time/part time
Position/ Subject/field (do not name the institution)
Please shortly describe your tasks and work. Be specific in the methods applied that might indicate that you possess relevant skills for the PhD project
Sarting Date (mm/yyyy) End Date (mm/yyyy)
Full time/part time
Position/ Subject/field (do not name the institution)
Please shortly describe your tasks and work. Be specific in the methods applied that might indicate that you possess relevant skills for the PhD project
Sarting Date (mm/yyyy) End Date (mm/yyyy)
Full time/part time
Other work experiences including charity or voluntary work
Please shortly describe your tasks and work. Be specific in the methods applied that might indicate that you possess relevant skills for the PhD project
Sarting Date (mm/yyyy) End Date (mm/yyyy)
Full time/part time
Max. 100 words
Teaching / supervising
Do you have experiences in teaching, tutoring, or advising? Please list and tell us about your past teaching, tutoring, or advising roles.
Max. 100 words
Science communication
Do you have any conference participations or conference roles? Please list and tell us about your past conference participations or conference roles. How interested are in conference participations or taking conference roles?
Max. 100 words
Scientific community
Are you an active member of a scientific society, a task force or NGO)
Max. 100 words
What is your motivation to work in the field of mycology, AMR, and One Health? t
Max. 100 words
What skills to you expect to learn during your PhD?
Max. 100 words
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Max. 100 words
What will you personally contribute to the success of the PhD training program
Max. 100 words
Past Research Experience
Diploma/Master Thesis
(1) Please shortly describe your tasks and what you contributed to the research project. (2) Be specific in the methods applied that might indicate that you possess relevant skills for the PhD project. (3) What will you bring/apply from your accomplished research project in the PhD project?
(4) How did you communicate/distribute findings from this research project?
Max. 100 words
Diploma/Master Thesis/Research Paper/Bachelor Thesis
(1) Please shortly describe your tasks and what you contributed to the research project. (2) Be specific in the methods applied that might indicate that you possess relevant skills for the PhD project. (3) What will you bring/apply from your accomplished research project in the PhD project?
(4) How did you communicate/distribute findings from this research project?
Max. 100 words
Diploma/Master Thesis/Research Paper/Bachelor Thesis
(1) Please shortly describe your tasks and what you contributed to the research project. (2) Be specific in the methods applied that might indicate that you possess relevant skills for the PhD project. (3) What will you bring/apply from your accomplished research project in the PhD project?
(4) How did you communicate/distribute findings from this research project?
Please do not give publication lists or similar, as it is a double blind application process
Max. 100 words
Arguments and Reasons for the Chosen Projects
Project 1
(1) Explain your reasons for choosing this project
(2) How do your research interest fit with the research topic?
(3) What past experiences in this specific field (reading, doing own research, courses) do you have?
(4) Shortly tell us your expectations about the PhD project (learning opportunities, team, facilities, methods used)
(5) How do you expect you will integrate into the existing structures?
(6) Tell us about the laboratory skills and experiences you have for this position
(7) Tell us what laboratory skills or methods you expect to learn during the PhD project
Max. 500 words
Project 2 if applicable
(1) Explain your reasons for choosing this project
(2) How do your research interest fit with the research topic?
(3) What past experiences in this specific field (reading, doing own research, courses) do you have?
(4) Shortly tell us your expectations about the PhD project (learning opportunities, team, facilities, methods used)
(5) How do you expect you will integrate into the existing structures?
(6) Tell us about the laboratory skills and experiences you have for this position
(7) Tell us what laboratory skills or methods you expect to learn during the PhD project
Max. 500 words
Project 3 if applicable
(1) Explain your reasons for choosing this project
(2) How do your research interest fit with the research topic?
(3) What past experiences in this specific field (reading, doing own research, courses) do you have?
(4) Shortly tell us your expectations about the PhD project (learning opportunities, team, facilities, methods used)
(5) How do you expect you will integrate into the existing structures?
(6) Tell us about the laboratory skills and experiences you have for this position
(7) Tell us what laboratory skills or methods you expect to learn during the PhD project
Max. 500 words